Like almost everything else in 2020, the THA Annual Meeting will look a little different this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many disruptions; however, THA is committed to moving forward with our annual meeting shortening the agenda and shifting the meeting to a virtual platform. Instead of three consecutive days of all-day meetings, speakers and receptions, we will host three 90- to 120-minute virtual sessions on Oct. 14, 15 and 22. This conference recognizes the work and commitment of the healthcare industry and the integral role hospitals play in individuals lives and communities.
As always, this conference is offered complimentary to THA members and hospital employees at all levels of leadership are encouraged to attend. Below is an abbreviated agenda of the topics, speakers and events that are planned for the three virtual meetings.
Wednesday, October 14 • 10 am – 11:30 am CST
Virtual Meeting to Look Back at 2020 and Look Ahead to 2021
Take a look back at 2020 with James Ross, THA Board Chairman, and a look ahead to 2021 with Wendy Long, M.D., THA President and CEO. This session will also include transition of governance of THA’s board and the THA Awards Presentation.
![]() James Ross Board Chairman, Tennessee Hospital Association | ![]() Wendy Long, M.D. President and CEO, Tennessee Hospital Association |
Thursday, October 15 • 10 am – Noon CST
Extraordinary Time, Extraordinary Care: Tennessee Hospital Response and Lasting Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Healthcare organizations have been faced with many challenges as they worked to effectively prepare and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospital leadership and staff coordinated care for both COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients and adapted to quickly changing guidelines, while responding to challenges, including issues with staffing, supplies, testing and treatment.
Hear various perspectives from healthcare leaders impacted by COVID-19 as they discuss the challenges faced with COVID, the evolution of treatment and response to COVID, as well as the lessons learned and lasting impacts of the pandemic.
Moderator ![]() Cassandra Howard M.D. Chief Medical Officer Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital | Panelist ![]() David Aronoff, M.D. Director, Division of Infectious Diseases Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Panelist ![]() Daniel Lewis, M.D. Chief Medical Officer Greeneville Community Hospital | Panelist ![]() Jason Little President and CEO Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation | Panelist ![]() Lori Orme Chief Nursing Officer Williamson Medical Center |
Thursday, October 22 • 10 am – Noon CST
The Journey to Patient Safety: 20 Years After “To Err Is Human”
Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, with 220,000 to 440,000 people dying each year from preventable errors. The landmark report, “To Err is Human,” first brought national attention to these preventable medical errors and the associated harm. The publication sparked a new focus on patient safety, quality of care and preventable adverse events. Now, 20 years later, we can reflect on the progress that has been made so far, including the impact of developing a culture of safety in healthcare organizations and the value of sharing medical errors to help others learn from those mistakes.
Join Mike Eisenberg, director of the documentary “To Err is Human,” as he shares reflections on the original report through his documentary and interviews with national safety advocates. He is the son of John Eisenberg, M.D., a leader in national patient safety efforts as the director of the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) until his passing in 2002. The presentation will be followed by a reactor panel of hospital CEOs discussing their organizations’ journey to safer, more reliable care.
Keynote Speaker ![]() Mike Eisenberg Director of To Err is Human: A Patient Safety Documentary | Panelist ![]() Paul Korth Chief Executive Officer Cookeville Regional Medical Center | Panelist ![]() Joe Landsman President and CEO University of Tennessee Medical Center | Panelist ![]() Alan Watson System CEO Maury Regional Healthcare System |
Thanks to our Sponsors
THA would like to thank our 2020 sponsors for their dedication and commitment to healthcare making it possible for the association to offer this event complimentary to our members.
CEs Applied – CME, CNE, Quality, NAB and ACHE Qualified.
Everyone must register individually for CE reporting.
Questions? Contact Lisa Wright, 615-401-7433.