
Making Safe, Quality Care Our Top Priority

The Tennessee Hospital Association’s Tennessee Center for Patient Safety (TCPS) was launched in 2007 to advance the adoption of proven evidence-based strategies that improve the reliability, safety, and quality of care received in Tennessee hospitals. 

The THA Board of Directors is committed to a board aim of zero preventable harm and the Partnership for Patients goals of reducing hospital-acquired conditions by 20% and preventable readmissions by 12%. The TCPS staff provides support to hospitals through education, coaching, site visits, best practice sharing, expert resources, and matching hospital mentors with hospitals on improvement efforts.


Quality Areas

Committed to Zero-Preventable Harm

The THA Board of Directors established its commitment to patient safety in December 2009 by adopting a board aim of zero preventable harm for Tennessee hospitals. The THA Board of Directors is committed to transparency and shares hospital-specific performance data at board meetings.