THA’s emergency preparedness and response resources are designed to assist hospitals and health systems in planning for and reacting to hazards and regional disasters. Health care planning establishes hospital and community readiness before an emergency, and a proven response and recovery framework during and after an emergency. Health care readiness also increases overall community resiliency.
The Tennessee Hospital Association serves as a liaison between hospitals and the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH), the American Hospital Association and other federal and state agencies. THA also partners directly with the TDH to provide ongoing education and training to communities all over the state via federal grant funding for disaster readiness and response.
Past Presentations and Resources:
- Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO)
- C.A.R.E. Workplace Training Resources for workplace violence
Containment of Candida auris Tabletop Exercise
Tennessee Hospital Association and Tennessee Department of Health hosted a tabletop exercise on containment of Candida auris at 8 locations throughout Tennessee in 2019.
Candida auris Resources:
- Background Presentation
- Patient and Facility Key
- Basic Timeline
- Situation Manual
- Build an Isolation Cart Presentation
- EPA Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective Against Clostridium difficile Spores List
- When to Suspect Candida auris
- Sequence for Putting On Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Interim Guidance for a Public Health Response to Contain Novel or Targeted Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs)
- Candida auris Fact Sheet
- Candida auris Lab Workers Fact Sheet
- 2019 Tennessee Reportable Disease List for Healthcare Providers
- How to Report: For Healthcare Providers
- 2019 Tennessee Reportable Disease List for Laboratories
- How to Report: For Laboratories
- 2019 Reportable Diseases in Tennessee: Detailed Laboratory Guidance
- Resources Sheet
State Resources:
Resources on state services and activities, Healthcare Coalition contacts and more available here.
- State Tennessee Department of Health Emergency Preparedness
- Healthcare Coalitions – Tennessee Healthcare Coalitions are aligned with the eight Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Regions. These coalitions work on planning, organizing, equipping, training, exercising and evaluation of healthcare system preparedness in their respective regions.
Who to contact:
Mike Dietrich, VP Membership Services
Lisa Wright, VP Education